
The project consists of a photovoltaic solar park (without energy storage) that will generate electricity from the project activity and will be supplied to the SIN. In this way, carbon-neutral electricity generation will replace electricity generation with fossil fuels and reduce dependence on fossil fuel sources, thus avoiding greenhouse gas emissions by displacing the dispatch of thermoelectric plants.

The GEI-PRR is located in the municipality of Puerto Gaitán – Department of Meta. The useful life of the project is 30 years and its expected annual production of 50,578 MWh/year while reducing 31,141 tons of CO2e during the same period.

Bosques Solares de Los Llanos I contributes to four (4) sustainable development goals, specifically contributing to:

  • SDG4 Quality education: with the training of employees and avoiding the training of the CCQ mechanism for non-employees.
  • SDG7 Clean and affordable energy: The project contributes to the production of clean electricity through the use of sunlight as energy.
  • SDG8 Decent work and economic growth: The hiring of personnel for the project will contribute with new jobs during the operation.
  • SDG13 Climate Action: With the new solar plant, the project will reduce an average of 31,141 tCOe2 per year